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Social media influencers are building more than a following these days—many have debuted their own beauty brands, too. Take Huda Kattan, who currently has 52 million Instagram followers, 4.1 million YouTube subscribers and launched a successful cosmetics company including a makeup brand and a skincare brand. Another impressive influencer turned entrepreneur? Negin Mirsalehi, founder and
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Silver Chang Laticia Rolle, former model, current entrepreneur, podcaster, and influencer, is a self-proclaimed minimalist when it comes to beauty and wellness. Even when she noticed deepening lines between her eyebrows, the 34-year old shied away from cosmetic procedures. Then, she learned about Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA), a double-filtered, anti-wrinkle injection for frown lines. The injectable allowed
While the Internet is still buzzing about the surprise guest Rihanna revealed during her history-making Super Bowl LVII halftime show, there’s another iconic moment that will continue to live rent-free in my mind: The star’s seamless, mid-performance complexion touch-up. If you’re wondering which compact Rihanna flawlessly touched up with mid-song, it was none other than
Models falling, kicking off their heels, and visibly reaching out for help while on the verge of tears are everywhere right now, and it all has to do with the runway’s newest obsession: precarious heels. The biggest offender? Arguably Valentino, where multiple models fell hard on the spring 2023 runway, and then again during haute
#660 New Creative Nail Tutorial Ideas | How To Make Colorful Nail Design | Nails Inspiration ▽ Subscribe to Nails Inspiration for more! https://www.youtube.com/c/NailsInspiration1 ▶ Watch more: ➡ Nails Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL26RH2thLqdsunVc2rTaJ07nBF7rbxzJk ➡ Makeup Compilation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL26RH2thLqdsbnzqNdHXd6qEmkxkN06U2 What nail art designs do you like? Do you have favorite nail art? We are ready to help you to
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After much speculation, Louis Vuitton has announced its next men’s creative director: musician and producer Pharrell Williams. The French luxury house shared the news today, adding that Williams’ first collection will debut during men’s fashion week in Paris this June. It doesn’t come as a complete surprise as Williams has worked on collaborations with the