I Tried This Peptide Face Cream for 12 Weeks, And I Can’t Stop Recommending It

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Want to know if a product really works? Welcome to Slow Beauty. Since it can take up to six weeks to see results from using a new formula, we have testers try the best and buzziest in hair and skin care for double that amount of time to determine what actually makes a difference.

Being in my late 30s has taught me a lot about what I can and can’t do anymore. For example, going out at night without taking a nap first? Impossible. Thinking I don’t need to invest in an under eye cream? Those days are behind me. Not having a solid skin care routine? Recipe for disaster. So when I got the opportunity to try out Medik8’s Total Moisture Daily Facial Cream, I was all in. Although it’s packed with hydrating and plumping hyaluronic acid, the moisturizer is also supposed to feel lightweight and non-greasy. Plus the sensitive skin-friendly cream contains prebiotic peptides to support the microbiome of your skin.

I have combination skin; if my skin isn’t properly moisturized, I’ll have dry patches around my chin and mouth, while my forehead, nose, and cheeks go into overdrive to produce more oil to compensate. Too much moisture, and my skin is struggling, leaving my face shining like my favorite metallic sandals. My hope was that the Medik8 cream could be my Goldilocks solution. I was also looking to restore some elasticity, smooth texture, and even out my complexion a bit. Here’s how my skin reacted to the product:

medik8 slow beauty

Courtesy of Medik8

medik8 slow beauty

Courtesy of Medik8

medik8 slow beauty

Courtesy of Medik8

medik8 slow beauty sharlyn pierre

Courtesy of Sharlyn Pierre

The author before and after testing the Medik8 Total Moisture Daily Facial Cream.

Final Thoughts

All in all, a little bit goes a long way with this moisturizer. And honestly, as someone who has seen her fair share of dermatologists and tried quite a few prescription formulas, I’m impressed by how far over-the-counter products like this one have come. My skin is sensitive and acne-prone, but if you build a solid routine, add in a great moisturizer, and rub in that sunscreen, your skin’s texture and appearance will improve over time. I know SkinTok has all the recommendations, but I highly suggest giving Medik8’s Facial Cream a try. Tell ’em that I sent you.

Medik8 Total Moisture Daily Facial Cream

Total Moisture Daily Facial Cream
Headshot of Sharlyn Pierre

Sharlyn Pierre is a freelance writer from Brooklyn. Her work has previously appeared in W Magazine, Allure, Billboard, and more. 

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