The 15 Best Hydrating Shampoos to Stop Frizzy, Dry Hair in Its Tracks

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Product buildup, sweat, and excess sebum are no match for this shampoo, which also has the ability to block frizz. Its secret weapon? Jojoba esters, which are derived from jojoba oil, and infuses each strand with plenty of hydration.

Hair type: Frizzy

Size: 8.5 fl. oz.

Sulfate-free: Yes

Amazon rating: 4.4/5 stars

An Amazon reviewer says: “I have had a long battle with my very thick, long, mostly straight, sometimes wavy, always frizzy hair. When I let it air dry, it gets so frizzy that I’ll only wear it up in a clip or messy bun—not even a ponytail. I’ve spent all of high school, college, and grad school straightening it because I didn’t know how else to deal with it, but now that I’m married with a child, I just don’t have the time. I’ve tried tons of shampoos and conditioners and recently gave up on the idea that they could ever make a difference. On a whim, I decided to splurge and try this one, with the matching conditioner, and I actually noticed a big difference in my hair after just air drying! Not only is it less frizzy, but it is also somehow softer and less dry looking.”

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