Fibroblast Pen Instantly Removes Moles | Beauty Insider


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This is the plasma fibroblast mole-removal treatment. Its goal is to safely and efficiently remove moles and prevent regrowth. To have the treatment, clients needs a dermatologist’s approval. They also need assurance the mole is not malignant. When the client is all set, technicians can begin the treatment.

Technicians use the Plamere plasma pen, whichi emits a small plasma arc, in a sweeping motion all over the mole. The plasma pen burns the mole. The technicians continue this motion until the surface of the mole has been covered. Most moles can be removed in a single session, but occasionally bigger moles require a second treatment. The cost is $80 per mole, with results supposed to last indefinitely. Following the treatment, the client should avoid direct sunlight and can apply zinc oxide to the area.

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Fibroblast Pen Instantly Removes Moles | Beauty Insider

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