4 Products That Curl Your Hair Without Heat


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Perfecting curls requires work, and using a heat tool takes extra effort and may cause damage. Insider rounded up four easy-to-use products to help you curl your strands without any heat. Ditch the curling iron and try items such as the Aurora Band, a single foam Velcro roller that forms bouncy curls, or use flexi rods to create natural curls overnight.

Flexi rods: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00752ZD5I/
Curlformers: https://www.hairflair.com/product-range/curlformers/
JANYUN hair rollers: https://www.amazon.com/JANYUN-Magic-Rollers-Silicone-Curlers/dp/B07S2JFQBW
The Aurora Band: www.aurorahairproducts.com.

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4 Products That Curl Your Hair Without Heat

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