3 Best Beauty Treatments In Los Angeles | Beauty Explorers


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Insider’s Caroline Aghajanian picks her favorite beauty treatments she’s tried (so far) in Los Angeles. The winner for the best hair treatment is the scalp therapy treatment from Blow Me Away, which is an organic hair salon and head spa located in Beverly Grove. The winner for the best body treatment is the shiatsu massage at Hugh Spa, which is a Korean bathhouse located between Pico-Union and Koreatown. The winner for the best facial is a customized facial with Biba de Sousa in Beverly Hills, facialist to celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Emily Blunt. See behind-the-scenes clips from each video, as well as learn a little more about each spa and find out why Caroline picked them as her favorites.

Watch the original videos here:
Hugh Spa: https://youtu.be/n7s7eYQespY

Blow Me Away: https://youtu.be/gDkxa7ubziw
Biba de Sousa: https://youtu.be/iSWNXxLSOmQ

For more about the featured locations visit:

How A Chemical Peel Exfoliates Your Feet | Beauty Explorers

Facial Power-Washes Blackheads From Pores | Beauty Explorers

How A Nonsurgical Face-Lift Works | Beauty Explorers


#BeautyTreatment #Spa #BeautyInsider

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3 Best Beauty Treatments In Los Angeles | Beauty Explorers

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