Adut Akech’s Version of Utopia Includes “Kindness, Dope Energy, and Good Spirits”

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The idea of a summer getaway never gets old, providing a respite from the heat and letting us (finally) turn off those Slack pings and disconnect. But what about a brief escape from reality? While we anxiously await gyrating on the dance floor to Beyoncé’s new album, Renaissance, Queen Bee is tiding us over with a new Adidas x Ivy Park collection, aptly titled IVYTOPIA. Consider it a reprieve from the everyday—a chance to unplug from the realities around us and immerse ourselves in our own personal nirvana. Sound tantalizing? We think so too.

ivy park adut akech interview irina shayk beyonce adidas


In fact, the collection is one of Bey’s biggest yet, with activewear, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and children. This go-around, there are also serious doses of capital-F fashion in the form of a reversible crystal bomber and flowy trench coats. An extensive size range and color offering promises to let everyone in on the fun; cool khakis and ivory mesh with bold yellows and blues, and a piercing metallic silver delivers serious star wattage. To round it all out, a floral print injects doses of flirty femininity throughout the collection, inspiring wanderlust for somewhere botanical.

ivy park adut akech


The corresponding campaign for the collection features supermodels Adut Akech, Irina Shayk, and Joan Smalls in an empty studio, a blank canvas for the mind to wander and travel. The clothes are inspiration enough, and make a bold statement against such a stark background. Akech herself is no stranger to the camera, and the life of a supermodel is one of constant plane rides, makeup changes, and essentially always being on. This hectic lifestyle necessitates an occasional escape, so, inspired by IVYTOPIA, we found out what calms Akech down, where she goes to get away from it all, and her favorite pieces from the collection.

What’s your go-to getaway?

It depends why I need to escape, and where I feel like I need to escape. But where I go to escape sometimes is my journal. My journal, my notes, or my rants to my therapist. I also go for walks outside. I will work out or do pilates or something—that’s like an escape for me.

When do you typically feel the need to escape?

Most days, and I feel like everybody does at some point during the day. I feel like you need to escape for at least 10 minutes because life is hectic, and it’s a lot. It becomes a lot, being around different energies, different people, different environments every day—it’s a lot for me personally. At least once a day, I just go into my little world and come back.

Are you a wide open space person or a closed quarters person?

I am definitely a wide open space person. I feel very claustrophobic. I hate being in tiny, cramped in places. So I like wide open space. Don’t be up in my face! I’m kidding, but I just like [open spaces] because they allow me more freedom.

What is the ultimate freedom to you?

To me, the ultimate freedom is being fearless and unapologetic. And just doing whatever the hell it is that you want to do, not caring about anything and just being fearless, baby! To me, that’s honestly what the ultimate freedom is: not caring about outside noise and doing whatever your heart and mind is telling you, and that’s it.

Do you have a favorite piece from the collection?

A favorite piece of mine is the khaki flowery bodysuit, really high-cut, with a bomber jacket. There are so many pieces that I really like. I like the colorways. I like the designs. So, I have a couple of favorites. The blue bodysuit is dope; the leggings and crop top are really cool too.

ivy park ivytopia beyonce adidas


Are there specific colors in the collection that you’ve gravitated toward?

The khakis, for sure, and the blues and even the silvers—the silvers are really dope. All of them.

What do you do to unplug?

As soon as I get home from a hectic work day or just a work day, I don’t take any more calls. Don’t call me after work and don’t message me nothing about work. I will call my mom, or call my sister and just talk about other stuff that’s not about modeling, or whatever I’m doing that’s not related to that. And I’m not on my phone as much. I’ll either be doing pilates, cooking, or journaling. Or sleeping.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I’m definitely an introvert until I’m really, really comfortable around people. Then I’m the biggest extrovert.

When you’re alone, where does your mind travel to, and why?

A lot of different places. It depends on what I’m thinking [about], like, if I’m homesick for instance, my mind is home in Australia with my family. Even when I’m out of town for work, my mind is at home in L.A. It depends where my mind wants to go—it’s just dependent on what I’m feeling. If my mind wants to go on a holiday, then I’m mentally there.

Is journaling part of your daily ritual?

Yeah, I’m always writing something. I’m always thinking about stuff—my mind is. It’s a wonderful place. I love writing; I’ve been journaling since I was young. I wanted to be a teacher and I want to be a journalist. For me, it’s very therapeutic. Whatever’s on my mind, I can write it down and never tell anybody. Nobody ever has to know, it’s just me and my journal and my notes.

What are two things that you would require in your version of utopia?

Two things I would need are kindness and dope positive energy. Obviously, life happens, and you’re not always positive every day, but [be] as positive as you can be. I’m very big on energy. So, kindness, dope energy, and good spirits. And just more love in this world.

What’s your natural high?

I think just being. My natural high is being at home and being in my own space.

IVYTOPIA is available on today and in Adidas stores worldwide on Friday, June 22.

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