3 Reasons To Visit the SHA Wellness Clinic This Summer

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The newest craze for relaxation professionals? Get to work. With views of the Mediterranean Sea, the SHA Wellness Clinic in Alicante, Spain combines the luxury of a resort with the goals of a health clinic. Think of it as the 2022 version of taking the waters: traveling to beautiful landscapes to treat health issues is an ancient tradition. Now, you get to partake from the comfort of a five-star spa. Here, find the top three reasons to book your plane ticket ASAP.


Manolo Yllera

1. The Team

      Amongst SHA’s team of professionals is Dr. Vicente Mera, the head of the spa’s Healthy Aging Department (yes, that’s a real thing). As part of SHA’s collection of week-long health programs, the Healthy Aging Program, under Dr. Mera’s guidance, helps clients optimize their health and habits to delay signs of aging, through a combination of medicine, natural therapies, and nutrition. If you’re traveling all the way to Spain, you want to make sure you’re in the right hands for the long haul.

      2. The Wellness Programs

      Forget lounging at the beach for a week, if you visit this specific clinic, participating in its health programs is a must. Besides the Healthy Aging program, some of the options include Advanced Detox and Optimal Weight. When you participate, you’ll be guided by experts who can advise you while you’re at the clinic, and will leave you with information you can (and should) take home with you.


      Manolo Yllera

      3. The Landscape

      For times when you want leave the clinic, SHA and its surroundings provide plenty of entertainment. From golfing, sailing, hiking, or diving into the Mediterranean, the natural landscape offers endless options. On the premises, you can lounge by the pool, meditate by the zen gardens, or eat at the SHAMADI Restaurant, where health and taste meet. Feast your eyes on these picturesque honeydew melon balls with mint.



      TL;DR: These days, traveling can feel expensive, time-consuming, or stressful. Vacations should be an investment, and the SHA Wellness Clinic is making sure you get the most out of your experience. You’ll leave Spain not only feeling rejuvenated, detoxified, and rebalanced, but with a deeper understanding of your health, nutrition, and the habits worth committing to after you leave. And that’s not something to regret.

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