7 Most-Hyped Beauty Products From February | Most-Hyped Products


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With TikTok making beauty products go viral every other day, it seems that more and more products are being released in the hope of becoming the next big thing. From the Karla Cosmetics Shadow Potion gel eye shadow, a long-wearing multichrome eye-shadow gel, to the Fenty Beauty Fenty Icon semi-matte refillable lipstick set, a creamy, semi-matte lipstick that comes with a refillable case, we rounded up some of the most-hyped products from February to test out for ourselves.

Products used in video:
Hard Candy Glitteratzi Glitter Eye Palette in Glitz N’ Cheer, $5.97
NARS Light Reflecting Advanced Skincare Foundation in Vanuatu, $49
KVD Beauty Good Apple Lightweight Full-Coverage Concealer in Medium 131, $28
Colourpop Pressed Powder Blush in 4Ever Yours, $10
4ever Yours
Karla Cosmetics Shadow Potion Gel Eyeshadow in Snooze, $28.50
Karla Cosmetics Shadow Potion Gel Eyeshadow
Fenty Beauty Fenty Icon Semi-Matte Refillable Lipstick Set in The MVP, $32
Fenty Icon Semi-Matte Refillable Lipstick Set
Milk Makeup Rise Mascara Mini, $14
RISE Mascara

9 Most-Hyped Beauty Products From January | Most-Hyped Products

Cordless Hot Brush Straightens Hair | Beauty Or Bust

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#Most-HypedProducts #BeautyProducts #BeautyInsider

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7 Most-Hyped Beauty Products From February | Most-Hyped Products

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