Dolce & Gabbana Announces They’re Going Fur-Free

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Dolce & Gabbana has officially announced that they will discontinue the use of any fur in their collections. This choice is based on the brand’s executives pushing for more sustainable fashion production. The fur industry has long fielded criticisms from animal rights activists, especially in recent years as more sustainable faux fur options come into regular practice. Ethical concerns aside, fur production is estimated by climate change scientists to have a negative climate impact at least 5 times higher than wool production, due to the production of animal feed and manure emissions.

dolce gabbana fur free

Monica Feudi

Dolce & Gabbana’s has gained the endorsement of two established organizations, the Humane Society of the U.S. and Humane Society International, renowned for their conscious efforts in sustainable fashion. Despite this ambitious commitment, Dolce&Gabbana recognizes master furriers and the value they hold in preserving the artisan skillset. Moving forward, they will be collaborating with these furriers to instead create eco-fur garments and accessories with faux fur alternatives that have less of an impact on the climate. “Dolce & Gabbana is working towards a more sustainable future that can’t contemplate the use of animal fur,” said Fedele Usai, a group communication officer at Dolce & Gabbana. “The entire fashion system has a significant social responsibility role that must be promoted and encouraged: we will integrate innovative materials into our Collections and develop environmentally friendly production processes, while at the same time preserve artisans’ jobs and know-how otherwise in danger of fading.” Their new position in the Fur Free Alliance will likely set the standard in the fashion industry for others to follow suit. Their pledge is currently in action as they plan for new and challenging projects, and by going fur free D&G has committed to a more sustainable future in fashion.

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