Professional Climber Alex Puccio’s Weighted Single-Arm Pull-Up Has Us On Edge

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Professional rock climber Alex Puccio just posted a video of herself completing a single-arm weighted pull-up on Instagram. The 11-time National Champion shared one of the exercises from her self-made training program to show the progress she’s made since her sternoclavicular (SC) joint tear nearly five months ago. The sternoclavicular (SC) joint connects the collarbone to the sternum. And for Puccio, who’s career requires a great amount of upper-body strength, keeping that joint stable is vital. Luckily it appears that her road to recovery is going as smooth as her pull-up.

In the video above she grasps a five-pound weight in one hand while holding onto a pull-up bar with the other. Prepping to lift herself off, Puccio’s quads and calves engage as she tiptoes on a step beneath her. Puccio’s abs then engage as she lifts her legs up. Each muscle group in Puccio’s upper-body (traps, delts, lats, biceps, triceps, and even her forearms) work together to successfully complete a weighted single-arm pull-up — lifting her chin over the bar at the end.

Puccio described getting back to training as feeling “. . . WAY harder [than] it normally does, BUT hey, still PROGRESS!” in the caption of the video above. But we’re sitting here mesmerized by her persistent strength and wondering what other moves she does during her strength-training routine.

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