How Hollywood Ages Actors With Makeup


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Mike Spatola, makeup artist and instructor at Cinema Makeup School, transforms Insider’s Caroline Aghajanian into an older version of herself without prosthetics. Spatola uses a liquid latex formula and a technique called stretch and stipple. The process starts by lightly painting broken capillaries, pigmentation, dark circles, rosacea, and veins onto the skin. Then he uses a latex formula and stretches the skin and stipples on the latex formula in one to two coats in small sections. This aging method can take about 90 minutes and can last all day if the actor is careful. To remove the latex formula, Spatola uses a liquid cleanser and hot towels repeatedly until the latex peels off on its own. This technique can help age the actor 20 to 30 years, and has been used in movies including The Godfather and The Exorcist.

For more, visit Mike and Cinema Makeup School here:

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How Hollywood Ages Actors With Makeup

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