111Skin’s Original Serum Is A Skin Time Machine

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Call it laziness, or minimalism, or just general exhaustion, but as of late, I somehow found that I unintentionally reduced my skincare to the absolute bare minimum: A cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF. This routine held up when I was sitting at home makeup-less 24/7, but as I slowly found my calendar booking up with trips and work events, something started going a little wonky with my skin.


Y Theorem Repair Serum NAC Y2



I’ll be the first to admit that my skin generally does what it’s told with only a mild breakout every few months. But suddenly I started noticing that my skin was looking positively bedraggled–lines were clearer, that youthful plump fading, and just a general dullness that wasn’t my norm. I knew it was time to pick up a serum again.

I’ll give it to you straight: I’ll pass on trendy skincare anytime in favor for a product that has a medical mind behind it. 111Skin is the lovechild of plastic surgeon Dr. Yannis Alexandrides and his powerhouse wife, Eva. In his practice, Dr. Yannis discovered a need for a product that helped skin heal post-procedure. Their first hero product that led to their entire range was the Y Theorem Repair Serum, which contains their classic NAC Y2 antioxidants, niacinamide, and calendula to brighten, heal, and reduce signs of aging. So when I was facing a skincare dilemma, that’s the first thing I turned to.

It’s been about a month since I started using the Y TheoremRepair Serum–along with some of the other Y Theorem Repair products in the line, which are all fantastic–I finally feel like my skin is back on track. The texture is like a lightweight jelly that almost immediately sinks into my skin, just leaving behind a subtle sheen. I’m so happy to have my skin, look like my skin again.

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