Karrueche Tran’s Quick Yoga Flow Is a Great Blend of Strength, Balance, and Stretching

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Nothing beats a solid yoga flow, in our opinion, and model and actress Karrueche Tran just shared a snippet of one that looks lovely. In her Instagram video, Tran demonstrated a quick sequence that works on improving strength and balance while getting in a few nice stretches — like Tran’s favorite, Horizon pose, which gives you a great stretch along the IT band on the outside of your thigh. She also flowed through opening stretches like Three-Legged Downward Dog with a hip opener and Fallen Triangle and included some strength-based moves like curtsy lunge and Warrior 2.

It all adds up to a peaceful, flowing yoga practice that makes us want to roll out a mat and try it for ourselves. Check out Tran’s yoga sequence above!

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