Jasmine Sanders Shares Why Her Tone It Up Workout Program Is Focused on Physical and Mental Wellbeing

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Jasmine Sanders and Tone it Up Cofounder Katrina Dawn

Tone It Up is known for their fun and challenging at-home workouts that inspire women all over the world to feel fit, strong, and confident. The newest program on their app, The Best by Jasmine Sanders , is a 4-week total-body challenge that combines fitness with self-care to help you feel your best.

Created by Jasmine Sanders with the NASM-certified exercise program director of Tone it Up, the program includes workouts which range from cardio to HIIT to stretching, plus weekly meditations. As Sanders told POPSUGAR, “I wanted my program to really help my followers become the best version of themselves. I also wanted to share things I’ve found that really help me. I live with anxiety, and I have had to find ways to live a happy, healthy, balanced life. Meditation has been extremely helpful.” As she collaborated with the Tone it Up team on this program, Sanders made sure to incorporate every detail she wanted in the program for “physical, mental and emotional well being.”

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If you’re just beginning your fitness journey, Sanders recommends signing up for a workout plan and trying to find a friend or family member to join you “so you can hold each other accountable and motivate one another.” Even if you can’t work out with a friend in person, Sanders emphasizes that when she sees her friends “completing their workout and having a productive day, it makes me want to get off my butt and do the same!”

Image Source: Tone it Up

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