One-Stroke Hair-Straightening Comb On 3 Hair Types | Beauty Or Bust


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A good hair straightener is hard to find, let alone a straightener that works quickly and effectively on all hair types. But the Tymo Ring Hair Straightener Comb, a hair tool that works as a comb and a straightener in one, claims to do just that.

Insider producer Nico Reyes tests the Tymo Ring Hair Straightener Comb along with two friends, Insider producers A. C. Fowler and Caroline Aghajanian, to see if the $50 hair straightener lives up to its claims of easily straightening any hair type.

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#HairStraightener #Comb #BeautyInsider

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One-Stroke Hair-Straightening Comb On 3 Hair Types | Beauty Or Bust

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