If You Feel Anxious When Sitting For Long Periods, a Therapist Says Try This Amazon Fidget Spinner

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If you find that your anxiety gets worse when you have to sit for extended periods while not moving much (like during endless Zoom meetings), mental health therapist Chris Diquone, known as @thecoachingcounselor on TikTok, shared this helpful hack. When he’s feeing anxious, he loves wearing an Upbrand Zipper Bracelet ($12 for 24 on Amazon) to fidget with. It’s something quiet, repetitive, and inexpensive that allows you to stay focused but be in motion at the same time. And it’s something you can do that others won’t really notice, unlike clicking your pen or biting your fingernails.

If you’re not into this bracelet, he suggests trying another fidget toy such as an Impresa Monkey Noodle ($10 for five) or a Scione fidget spinner ($17 for five). Keeping your hands busy can help calm your nerves and help bring your attention to the task you’re supposed to be focusing on.

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