Watch a Dietitian on TikTok Give Her Honest Take on Your Favorite Trader Joe’s Foods

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Reply to @shayna_1112 Which store should I rate next? #traderjoes #traderjoesfoodreviews #traderjoesmusthaves #learnontiktok #TikTokPartner

♬ FEEL THE GROOVE – Queens Road, Fabian Graetz

You know how some people go into Target for toilet paper then walk out with a bottle of wine, some loungewear, two books, and seven candles? That’s me at Trader Joe’s. I’ll specifically make a quick TJ run to grab a salad for lunch, and before I know it, I’m at the register with a $35 grocery bill. Like, on the one hand, how did I get here? But on the other, everything at Trader Joe’s is so freaking delicious how could I not walk out with a bag of frozen cheese-filled fiocchetti pasta and chewy granola bars?

Unfortunately for me, the snacks I get at Trader Joe’s aren’t *always* the healthiest. Which is why I’m starting to pay more attention to nutrition reviews from experts. Right now, I’m particularly loving this Trader Joe’s food rating series on TikTok by registered dietitian and nutritionist Kylie (@nutritionbykylie).

Kylie’s reviews are done in a way that are super easy to understand, because she uses a simple “yes” or “no” rating system — but the answers don’t stop there. She then explains why she does or doesn’t recommend eating these specific foods, noting the types of ingredients that are in them and their nutritional value, in terms of fiber, protein, added sugars, magnesium, iron, and so on. Her reviewed foods range from salty snacks like Trader Joe’s Roasted Seaweed With Sea Salt to sweeter treats like their Organic Fair Trade Cacao Powder.

I know personally, my diet could definitely benefit from some of these healthier, dietitian-approved food choices. Eating foods that are higher in fiber and protein and lower in added sugars and carbohydrates could give me that energy boost I’ve been needing. Looks like I’ll be following Kylie from now on!


Reply to @aranzachvz Which stores should I rate next? #traderjoes #traderjoesfoodreviews #traderjoesmusthaves #LearnOnTikTok #TikTokPartner

♬ FEEL THE GROOVE – Queens Road, Fabian Graetz

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